Last assessed session

Today we returned to coppicing osiers - I had forgotten how much fun it was (but I don't think it can beat wading around in a brook!). We were joined today by some of the adult volunteers, as a photographer from the Daily Telegraph was there, taking photos for an article about the importance of volunteering. I managed to be my usual adept self when the lens was pointed at me - fortunately, I think it all turned out fine. The weather was not the best, but thankfully the rain held off for us; a light drizzle picked up towards the end, though. While this was my last assessed session, I don't think that it will be my last. Even if my attendance is irregular from now on, I intend to continue attending whenever other commitments permit me to, as I have really enjoyed my time volunteering, and I am very glad to have had this experience. The opportunity to be active and helpful does not always manifest itself in my lifestyle, and so this was a unique opportunity to do good in the community, and get my DofE at the same time!